March 14, 2008

How short are you?

"Shorter men make jealous hubbies" – a column in today’s Times of India.
Men watch out!!


Sunil Kosuru said...

He he i am not short, taller thn average height of indian man.
well its just a hypothesis i guess.
its difficult to make it a Definition.

Anonymous said...

i am gonna be a jealous hubby for sure.. sachin tendulkar too? poor anjali!

m.flowerr said...

@sunny - justifying yourself;)??anyways, thanks for dropping in!

@chriz - haha...i can understand your heart pouring out for Anjali!!
calm down and do drop in again!

humbl devil said...

why should men watch out???
it should be the women with short hubbies who should watchout!!!

btw, general observation...
shorter men tend to be more egoistic, more jealous, more self pitying, have a big inferiority complex and can be complete scheming bastards...:D
well, majority of them...

wanna check out this theory, you being a gal can just outperform any short guy from your workplace and watch for yourself...

btw, nys blog!!!