March 3, 2008

Being Sagittarian

Having born in the month of November, I belong to the clan of “mighty archers” A Sagittarian.

And I am glad to share some of the distinct qualities possessed only by a Sagittarian( as is put across by Linda Goodman).
I am happy Linda aunty has discovered a little of me. Here are some of them which holds good for me:

1) Difficult to fathom (very true)
2) Unique and brilliant ( am i?)
3) Careful and cautious ( to an extent, yes)
4) Less talkative but amiable (yes yes)
5) Knows how to dig secrets( 100%)
6) Brave and generous ( brave, yes, but generous, depends on what I’ll have to spare with)
7) Determined (yes, but I am lazy to keep up)
8) Motivates oneself (hmmmm……..)
9) Does not appreciate praises ( not on one-to-one, but they are a must in some other way)
10) Unpredictable ( Very true, because of which people think and think and think to talk to me)

I am happy to read all of the positive notes, but would me happier to get a reply to my question -
Why do fortune tellers predict only the good that’s in store? As far as the bad is concerned, it’s a post mishap do they try to justify.

This requires a slight change. What do you think?


Sunil Kosuru said...

less talkative- with me- no no
digging secrets- no
not generous - my experience with KAA
does not appreciate praises - ur right

as far as my experience, nothings come true, with sooth sayers prediction.

Anonymous said...

you are good in digging secrets.. i am good only at digging noses (mine ofcourse)

m.flowerr said...

@sunny - are you sure?
thanx for dropping in!

m.flowerr said...

@chriz - haha........that's funny,anyways here's wishing you the best in your endeavour;)

Anonymous said...

you do not appreciate compliments? i was about to make one.. but as you are a saggitarian, i am keeping mum

m.flowerr said...

@chriz - oh! sad....... can i alter that slightly??

ceedy said...

well what is good for you can be bad for others if you want the the other do you expect them to sell all the books and predict and make money if they tell you everything upfront !!!!

m.flowerr said...

@ceedy - thanks for dropping in!rightly said.why din't i think of that?
nevertheless,inspite of we knowing the truth why is there a huge demand for sooth-sayers and their writings?(

PSYCHO said...

well sun signs re one spin off
i read them cuz they are a good laugh for me

Aarthi said...

Hey I have read Linda Goodman loooong back during my school days...and ya it talks abt +ves but not jus +ves ....might be predominantly...dont u think so??

Aarthi said...

Hey u hav a surprise...pick it up...:)

Anonymous said...

to reply to your question...maybe there is so much bad in our lives in most of the times, that has become the obvious & so the fortune tellers want to portray only the good things that will happen to us to keep us happy....on another note, if they only predict bad things perhaps they know, we will never return to them again....nice reading this post!

m.flowerr said...

@psycho - first time on my space? welcome and keep coming in!

m.flowerr said...

@aarthi - long time...all fine?

is it the tag you are talking about? if yes,will take it up shortly:)

m.flowerr said...

@flying stars - new on my blog?thanks for dropping in.

coming to astrologers episode,i would sum it up to be a 'money minting exercise' and we knowingly are making them rich.

thanks, keep coming in!!

Anonymous said...

no alterations... and you dig secrets? would need your help when i write a post on ind-aus cricket series

m.flowerr said...

my help?? you must be joking..

Anonymous said...

haha... the post would turn out to be funny then and thats what i need.. now where is your next post?

Anonymous said...

Point 10 is very true for saggis as I do have few decent number of saggis around and they are very very unpredictable and that may be positive from there perspective but people who deal with them know how painful it is at times...making me think as should i approach them or Ceedy says "what is good for you can be bad for others"

m.flowerr said...

@anon - thanks for dropping in!would really appreciate if you will let us know who you are.
thanks keep coming in!