October 11, 2007

Negligence - Death - Suspension - WHAT NEXT ?

A report in www.ndtv.com goes this way. Read On:


As the report above says, this is not the first ever flaw from AIIMS in which a patient loses his life due to negligence by a doctor. There has been quiet a few cases in row, as is pointed out.

I hope and pray that a reputed Institute like AIIMS gets better mentors to serve patients, for whom quality service would be a priority.

Point to be Pondered upon – Should politics be a part of the medical world?



Aniket said...

humourous article!

Anonymous said...

ndtv, headlines today , cnn... they just make news.. media is polically getting corrupted

Anush said...

no human can survive without politics... politics makes believe tat we are powerful... take me for instance... i believe i own the world... and tat thought comes just outta the fact tat i am plain ignorant and plain arrogant towards my fellow human beings... politics is good eh? [:)]

Compassion Unlimitted said...

Its simply that as long as education can be bought by paying money for a seat such things r bound to happen.Its hospital today it could be a bridge falling tomorrow !Politics is an added mess.

m.flowerr said...

@ aniket - thanks for stopping by!

@chriz - thanx for dropping in!

@crazybugga - thanx for stopping!

@compassion - thanx for dropping in! Right,the term 'education' has lost its sanctity in real sense and its become kind of business in recent days.

Anonymous said...

Really politics & corruption is really hindering development in India in every sphere of life & this is another one.

m.flowerr said...

@kalyan - that's right!