Does a circulating e-mail pointing out the thinner sides of a product reduce the compnay's sales?
Offlate, I received an e-mail on KFC, stating the hens used by them are the
GMO’s(Genetically Manipulated Organisms).
What I read is, these so called ‘Chickens’, are kept alive by tubes inserted into their bodies to pump blood and nutrients throughout their structure. They have no beaks, no feathers, and no feet. Their bone structure is dramatically shrunk to get more meat out of them.
However, I am unsure on the credibility of the statement above. These e-mails must have reached millions of people by now(being assumed by the total filling up of the CC and BCC rows across forwards)
Over the weekend, I had happened to step across KFC and found a massive crowd stuffed inside. Don’t tell me none of these people have got this chain mail circulate
Do you think, these emails have had an affect on people? Definitely ‘NOT’
I had been pondering over this issue and finally concluded, ‘such e-mails are the result of competition and are the kiosks created and circulated by business firms for putting-off sales of their arch rivals’!!
KFC, what’s your say on this??
Would the e-mails have an impact on KFC?
Gotta wait and watch!
GMOs reduce guilt i guess... [:)] somewhat like farming...
many a time pranksters are at it.But true, competion also play a role..But genetically manipulated way, its too early..thats for the future.till then
KFC is yuck.
Maybe they can get those chickens to come pre-fried.
@crazybugga - thanks for dropping by! what you say might be right!keep visiting!
@compassion - thanks for dropping by! keeping visiting!
@oswegan - thanks for dropping by!keep visiting!
I agree with your thoughts. I am also doubtful whether these mails will have any effect and also about the quality...let's wait & watch!
@kalyan - thanks for dropping by! yeah, shall wait for things to unwind on its own!
i dont think so...
remember the ads against coke regarding phosphoric acid?.. coke sales are increasing multi folds every year...
remember the ads against nokia regarding the malfunctioning batteryparts?.. sales are up by 115% over the past three years...
when someone becomes famous, he or she will also have someone who feels jealous of their growth...
@mr.x - jealous, yes!
But then easy availability,advertisements ,easy accessibility, improved after sales service, over and above all, status quo is a reason for a higher or say stagnant sales margin of a product irrespective of the loopholes in them, is what i think!
Think of the Financials too... End of the day, every company is looking at Profit making... Its a lot more easier to have a farm and grains to feed, than invest in high tech Genetic manupulating machinery...
@blueaquan - thanks for dropping by and for your views! Keep visiting!
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