October 17, 2007

Garbha Celebrations

‘Garbha’, celebrations have begun for the season and like every earlier year it has made a beginning at a location next to the place where I live.
Yesterday, being the first day there was a loud music on,luckily played all of my favourite tracks which had brightened up my evening,(lousy music being part-2).Inmates of my ‘home’ were all in a colourful mood as well.

Loud music, the crowd, easy accessibility to the location, over and above all curiosity, had kindled us the year before and we friends had ultimately landed up at the venue for the culturals.
But sad and disappointing, nothing was different then a normal fair. Nevertheless, when you are in a group you have your own fun and a silliest of a thing looks big and funny.

The most important part, ‘dandiya’ was the one which I had missed out.
I haven’t seen a dandiya performance except for bits and pieces on cinemas.

What I loved to see of Garbha, was the enthusiastic crowd who were sailing in tune with the “PJ”.

Caution: Now don’t ask me, who a PJ is!


Aniket said...

no plans for this year? put pics if you visit!

Compassion Unlimitted said...

Enjoy..Simply enjoy..The next few months are the best times of the year..Good wishes

Anonymous said...

dhandiya... i love to dance for it

m.flowerr said...

@aniket - yet to plan up.pics, sure would be put up, if i go!

@compassion - thanks to you too!

@chriz - am glad that you like it!