February 22, 2008

Strange. Isn’t it?

I came across a write-up which said, a boy died from live ants found in his brain.
How strange? What I read is, the little one had a packet of sweets kept beside him while going to sleep. And when he got up, there were ants surrounding the snack. Three days after this incident, the same little boy complained about itchiness around his face and the problem persisted for several days. Immediately, a few days and he dies.
Doctors who conducted a post mortem, found live ants in his brain. Strange!!

What happened was, the ants which got into the sweet, also made rounds on the boys lips which had sweet smacked up. And then they landed up on his ears and then into his brain through the ears..
How would this be possible???


Sunil Kosuru said...

How genuine is the source and the messenger who bought this write up to ur notice.

m.flowerr said...

@sunny - thanks for dropping in! well yes,to be pondered over!

Anonymous said...

strange strange.. my bed has choc wrappers on the pillow, under the pilow and its a hive for ats. now i am scared

m.flowerr said...

@chriz - careful plz..... :)

aMus said...


m.flowerr said...

@thinking - this is what i happened to read! thanx for dropping in!

KP said...

wow...thats strange!

m.flowerr said...

@kp - isn't it?

ceedy said...

wow....that child must also be very sweet :(

Solitaire said...

This is a scary story!!

M Flowerr, long time since I saw you on my blog.

All well?

m.flowerr said...

@ceedy - yeah....may be!

m.flowerr said...

@solitaire - Pretty scary it is.

That's really nice of you to enquire:).I was kind of tied up with work and i would rarely log into blog.
You TC!

Anonymous said...

hey now the bed is clear.. next post please

m.flowerr said...

@ chriz - thanks for the encouragement! there you go....

Aarthi said...

OHHHH SHIIIITT...Before thinking whether it is possible or not...wondering how that kid would have suffered...Gosh...wish this is jus a story and not reality..:(

m.flowerr said...

@aarthi - thanx for dropping in!i too wish ..