September 5, 2007

Teachers' Day

September 5th-Teachers' Day is a long time forgotten phrase, which used to be a colorful day during student life with teachers' coming out with their best performances . As a student, we don't realise the importance of teachers'. It's when you are out of school and when you earn a decent reputation in the society, do you happen to re-call your past, and owe your achievement firstly to parents and teachers. A teacher is truly instrumental in guiding, instilling confidence and bringing out the best in you. Today, being Teacher's Day i take this opportunity in Saluting all my teachers' who have taught me, nurtured me, and help me become what i am today. Happy Teachers' Day!


Aniket said...

new look is nice! but why do you keep this "m flower" thingy? i mean a pic and the text there... :)

m.flowerr said...

howz it now???

Aniket said...

if i hv a say, i would say better!

m.flowerr said...

that's it?????????

Aniket said...

a change again! quite dynamic!!!

Anonymous said...

Its very true Teacher's are an important of my life and I can say still now they are my guiding force and shows me the way whenever I need. From the very first stage of our life Teacher's mould our characters and in the process some do become very special, whom we remember for life, isn't it!....Nice post on the occasion!

Devaiah A M said...

Read it late but yeap reminded me of the Teachers day where we when in school used to decorate the class and honor the teachers with surprises, hmm..GOLDEN DAYS.. .. MY SALUTE TO THE MENTORS...U ARE NEVER FORGOTTEN..

m.flowerr said...

@ aniket:

m.flowerr said...

@ kalyan-
rightly said!

welcome to my blog! keep visiting!