October 29, 2011

Working on Saturdays

What would happen, when you are asked to work on Saturdays when the rest of the world around is sleeping?
Go crazy? Curse? What else? What is your take on this?
I am at office today, to do nothing


Compassion Unlimitted said...

You are lucky ,out here me working every saturday being in factory !!And of all the days today I am at home ( for a change )LOL

rainboy said...

I am in between jobs... so everyday is a holiday!! ;D

Take care

Abhinav said...

It may vary from case to case but i was very frank with many manager and told him clearly that i would not be able to work on Saturdays, instead would give more time on weekdays.Exceptional cases it is fine i guess.

m.flowerr said...

@CU:Relaxed i am:) LOL

@Rainboy:Really? I wish i had the same holiday:)

@Abhinav:Agree..wish we could talk to our manager that free!