May 20, 2010


Mosquitoes are the most terrible creatures found on planet earth.Mosquitoe bites that i have been experiencing from the past few days made me post this article.A glimpse from google:

Mosquito is a common insect in the family Culicidae.There are about 3,500 species of mosquitoes found throughout the world. In some species of mosquito, the females feed on humans.

Mosquitoes have mouthparts which are adapted for piercing the skin of plants and animals. While males typically feed on nectar and plant juices, the female needs to obtain nutrients from a "blood meal" before she can produce eggs.
Mosquitos are generally considered annoying and may also transmit diseases, thus leading to a variety of human efforts to eradicate or reduce their presence.

Since many mosquitoes breed in standing water, source reduction can be as simple as emptying water from containers around the home. This is something that homeowners can accomplish. For example, homeowners can eliminate mosquito breeding grounds by removing unused plastic pools, old tires, or buckets; by clearing clogged gutters and repairing leaks around faucets; by regularly changing water in bird baths; and by filling or draining puddles, swampy areas, and tree stumps. Eliminating such mosquito breeding areas can be an extremely effective and permanent way to reduce mosquito populations without resorting to insecticides.

Mosquitoes are a vector agent that carries disease-causing viruses and parasites from person to person without catching the disease themselves.
The principal mosquito borne diseases are the viral diseases yellow fever, dengue fever and Chikungunya, transmitted mostly by the Aedes aegypti, and malaria carried by the genus Anopheles.Mosquitoes are estimated to transmit disease to more than 700 million people annually in Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and much of Asia with millions of resulting deaths.

There are many methods used for mosquito control. Depending on the situation, source reduction, biocontrol, Insecticides to kill larvae, or specifically the adults may be used to manage mosquito populations.

Protect yourself from mosquitoes and be safe.

May 9, 2010

Conversation between a Manager of Izee Manpower and Me!

Me:Hello,is this Izee..
Female voice:Yes, it is,how can i help you?
Me:I read an ad in the paper about a vacancy in your firm
F-V:Plz be online, will tranfer the call to concerned person
A long music goes on and on...

Female 2:Hello, how may i help you?
Me:I read an ad in the paper about a vacancy in your firm
Female 2:Yes we do, whats your experience?
Me:3 months
F2:Great,whats your profile?
Me:HR Recruitment
F2:Ok.How soon can you join us?
F2:We have certain conditions for employees
F2:You would have to submit your original certificates with us and these would be returned only after 4 months.You are not given any kind of leave for the first 3 months
Me:(Bullshit)...Leave criteria is fine, but not okay with the certificate episode
F2:Can you talk to the manager incharge and get things clarified?
Me:Sure, can you give me his number?

I make a note of the number and call up the esteemed manager
Me:Hi,is this Mr.X
Me:Hi,i am May here and i happened to read about a vacancy in your concern
He:Yes(and he goes on to mention the conditions for employees) and this is India's no.2 firm.
We are the best
Me:I am okie with it but due to personal reasons, i would be requiring a days leave after a month
He:Days leave would be impossible to be given since we have leave policy applicable
Me:What would you do if an employee falls sick?Would you ask him to work inspite of his illness?
He:Is the way you talk to a manager?
Me:You are not my boss as yet

At this point i guess,the mighty manager of India's No.2 firm was infuriated and couldnot handle my question and said, "Why don't you find a job in your native?"

Is this the way a manager is supposed to talk to his candidates at the very first instance?Is it this kind of an attitude that makes Izee No.1?