December 6, 2007

Competition - Good or Bad?

Today’s world is a vey competitive one. Post LPG, everything is competition driven right from basic necessities to the luxuries of life.
From one point of view, competition in the market is essential for bringing prices down and for coming out with quality products. Its true that competition benefits ‘we’ as customers. On the other hand, competition has led to producing de-graded products with attractive packaging for keeping in the race.
Nevertheless, competition prevails not in markets, or trade alone, but in normal life as well. For in a life cycle, a man competes right from his childhood. It’s being hammered into a child’s head that until and unless he is competitive, he cannot survive.

As a child grows up he has to compete over his entire education to achieve something. Once he is out of his education, next comes his job scenario, where competition has no leaps and bounds. He has to be the best for securing the best of jobs. Next phase is his marriage. He would want to get married with such pomp and glory like never done before.
Competition is responsible for the progress we see today, it brings out the best in an individual, but at the same time it has led to outbreak of wars, and indirectly been a cause of social evils like jealousy, hatredness, suicides, and calamities like floods, famines, earthquakes.

Fine, we are led by competition throughout our life. But my question here is, ‘Is competition necessary? You may say yes, but then my question is for how long? If we are going to compete right from birth, until death , when is that we are going to breathe a life?


Karthick said...

Hey m.flowerr! nice topic and competition will be there until we achieve our dreams :)

Unknown said...

It is sad now a days some parents don't allow children to enjoy their childhood. At least upto the age of 10 should not pressurise them.

m.flowerr said...

@karthick - Thanks for dropping in!Wants and dreams are never ending.Therefore, do you think there's an end for competition?

Keep coming in here!

m.flowerr said...

@sandesh - First time i sps...welcome to my space and keep coming!

Karthick said...

Actually We shouldn't compare the competition of our with others rather we need to improve ourselves.

In 2007 we might be in a situation and in 2008 we need to move upward in life and that competition we should take always :)

Its Between YOU VS YOU...Wat u say?

KP said...

Good Post...:) "To get something you have to give Something" A competition is must in todays world...without that we will all be lazy and will not do the work we need to succeed in life... As u mentioned competition brings the best out of us....One should always compete with himself..but that only looks good on actual life we r all humans we need to compete with everyone to succeed..i know its not healthy thats how society has turned into! I thinks its for an individual to decide whats the best for him/her....

Anush said...

competition is not required. Just dnt tell this to ur peers while having that all important appraisal [:P]

Compassion Unlimitted said...

Its a thought provoking note.Its become survival of the fittest.Healthy competition is what many suggest.I fail to understand what it means and how to implement in real life.Competition is competition and winner takes it all.
It wears one out and takes its toll.
Good one

m.flowerr said...

@karthick - that's right!

m.flowerr said...

@kp - that's right! thanks for passing by! keep coming!

m.flowerr said...

@crazy - :))

m.flowerr said...

@cu - thanks for stopping by! that's right...a competition is a competition and 'healthy', is merely an adjective written to make it look different!

Preethi said...

This whole competition business thrives in India and probably in China too. More the population greater the need to excel, Because if YOU don't do it somebody else will. In a jiffy. It doesn't exist in the US or in European countries as it does here and they encourage competition in Australia and Canada. So we can't wish away certain things. It is all economically entwined. Education & Population. Deal with this first and everything else will fall in its place. Nice topic though.

Anonymous said...

Very nice & true thoughts...I can only say its a real competitive world today & we just have to lament about it. Sometimes it may be good, but at times it is really worst....nice post!

m.flowerr said...

@preethi - thanks for dropping in!you sure, competition doesn't prevail in US and European countries?i neva nice...will think of settling down there:)

m.flowerr said...

@kalyan - thanks for dropping in!

Aarthi said...

I feel that one can enjoy...inspite of competing...until it is an healthy one....:)

m.flowerr said...

@aarthi - thanks for dropping by!