July 2, 2007

Are you tagged yet???

I've been tagged by The Stranger Here are the rules: 1.Players start with 8 random facts about themselves. 2.Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts. 3.Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged. Here are the facts: 1. I think I am an extrovert. 2. I was considered the sober kind in my school. 3. I don’t have a best friend because I am quiet choosy about my friends and I am happy for this. 4. I have a few good friends. 5. I like photography and reading every other stuff minus technology. 6. I must say atleast now, that God has been kind enough on my part, all through my life making me feel his presence in different forms. 7. I love old bollywood collections. 8. Last but not the least, me a foodie.


Devaiah A M said...

If these 8 are your True Qualities then I must say that you are unique in yuor own way and be the same..You have some wonderful tags ,Good...always tagged to the 8tags of yours.. ALL THE BEST./..

m.flowerr said...

@Devaiah-Thanks for dropping by and for the compliments!