December 16, 2009


Flowers found in my backyard

A rose is a perennial flower that contains over 100 species and comes in a variety of colours. Most are native to Asia, with smaller numbers of species native to Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. Roses are best known for their flowers. Roses are popular garden shrubs, as flowering shrubs. They are also grown as cut flowers, as one of the most popular and commonly sold florists' flowers.
Anthurium belongs to the arum family.Anthuriums are one of the most popular tropicals with a long vase life of about six weeks and even more depending on the variety and season. They are grown for their brightly colored flower spathes and their ornamental leaves.
Growing Anthuriums
Anthuriums can be grown by 4 methods. They are by Vegetative reproducation, Seeds, Tissue culture, and Fertilization. * Anthuriums grow on a wide range of soil types ranging from sandy loams to heavy clays. * Anthuriums need a highly organic soil with good water retention capability and good drainage. * A well-drained soil is important to prevent rotting of stems and roots. * Anthuriums should be planted in raised beds of 1.3 to 2 metres wide and 20 cm deep. * Anthuriums should not be planted more than 5 cm deep, as deep planting results in rotting of stems and roots. * Stake the anthurium after planting for support. * Water the anthuriums immediately after planting. * A layer of coconut husks, semi-rotted wood, or sugar cane baggasse may be used. * Mulching is needed for the anthuriums plants. * Anthurium plant roots grow into the mulch and spread.
Anthuriums plant care
* Remove dead & unsightly foliage and faded or brown flowers. * Use a peat moss base. * Anthuriums need a high light, but not direct sunlight. * Water your anthurium thoroughly, but allow it to dry slightly between waterings. * Do not over-water the anthuriums as it may cause root damage and yellowing of the leaves. * Fertilize anthurium plant about every other month. * Avoid draughts, and strong temperature fluctuations. * In winter anthurium plants need a 6 weeks of rest period at a 15°C with little water. This allows the plant to flower profusely again in the following season.

Hibiscus is a genus of plants with member species often noted for their showy flowers and commonly known as hibiscus or sorrel or less widely as rosemallow or flor de Jamaica. This large genus includes about 200–220 species of flowering plants in the family Malvaceae native to warm, temperate, subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world.

Water Lily

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December 12, 2009

Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani

Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani is a movie flowing on the lighter side with total fun. Chocolate boy Ranbir Kapoor has proved to be a versatile actor yet another time and Kats is as amazing as ever.
But the only area which i would point out would be the role of Salman Khan.Was that actually needed? And happy club? How does the synonym 'Happy' apply to the group?

I give this film a 7 on a scale of 10.

December 3, 2009

Nobody is..........

Found this quote printed on a 'Tee'!

December 1, 2009

November 27, 2009

Three year old girls worry about their weight.A research reveals:

In one of today’s newspapers, I read an article with the caption: Three year old girls start worrying about their weight.Revealed by a research.
What is happening?

November 26, 2009


Working for a span of five years for now, I have decided to take a break from work for sometime and here I am, doing one of my favourite jobs – Blogging, which I had almost nearly forgotten in the hustle and bustle of fast paced life. Few updates from my past are, I have become a proficient in my job, which revolved around software testing.I have witnessed the corporate world’s environment, its working culture and so on and so forth. Irrespective of the fact that five years is very short to draw a conclusion about something, I have to acknowledge, on the whole I have had a great work life so far and looking for that break soon.

October 20, 2009

Just for Fun!!!

------------ --------- --------- ----
NOTE: Please do not soot the person at the applikason kounter.
He will give you the licen.
For instruktions, see bottom applikason.
************ *
1. Last name:
(_) Yadav (_) Sinha (_) Pandey (_) Misra (_) Dot no
(Check karet box)
************ *
2. First name:
(_) Ramprasad (_) Lakhan (_) Sivprasad (_) Jamnaprasad (_) Dot no
(Check karet box)
************ *
3. Age:
(_) Less than phipty (_) Greater than phipty (_) Dot no
(Check karet box)
************ *
5. Chappal Size: ____ Lepht ____ Right
************ *
(_) Dacoit (_) Rapeist (_) Kidanapper (_) Politison (_) Doodhwala (_) Pehelwaan (_) House wife (_) Un-employed
(Check karet box)
************ *
7. Number of children libing in the household: ___
************ *
8. read #7 agan & anser here: ___
************ *
9. Mather name: ____________ _________ __
************ *
10. Phather Name: ____________ ________ (dont leave blank)
************ *
11. Ejjucason: 1 2 3 4 ............ .. (Circle highest grade completed) ************ *
12. Dental rekard:
(_) Ellow (_) Berownish- ellow (_) Berown (_) Belack (_)
Other -__________ Give egjhakt color
(Check karet box)
************ *
14. Ice seight:
(_) One Ice(2x1) (_) Two Ice(2x2) (_) Half blind (_) Day blind (_) Night blind (_) 4/4 (_)6/6
************ *
15.Your thumb imparesson :
(If you are copying from another applikason pharom, please do not copy thumb impression also. Please provide your own thumb impression.)
************ *
Use thumb on your lepht hand only. If you dont have lepht hand, use your thumb on right hand. If you do not have right hand, use thumb on lepht hand.
************ *

September 13, 2009

Bitter Bank Experience

Recently, I got a new ICICI bank debit card precisly a month back, but due to some reasons couldnot use it because of which the card got blocked. Later, I dropped in at ICICI branch for getting my card unblocked.But the executive at the counter sweetly said ‘Sorry Ma’am, this is not where we take requests for unblockings, you would have to go to the first floor and it would be done.’Please note ICICI bank building in my area has three floors.

So,i go to the first floor, meet another executive tell him my story and he tells me, “Ma,am, this cannot be done right away, please give a request in writing. Once we receive the request, the card would be unblocked.” Since it was their evenings closure time, the guy promised for getting the work done next day by 9am. With some relaxed feeling I go home. Following day before going for work just try my luck and call up, but for my dismay ICICI people, the so called phone banking reps, confirm that the card is still in blocked state. Cursing, I once again go to the branch the same evening but to no avail. They ask me to call up their phone banking and check. I do that and get to know that the card has been unblocked but had to generate a pin. This is the process which made me go insane,since each and everytime I call them up it’s a different executive online and you got to give your details to each of them everytime you call. Nevertheless, after going through a big trauma I could get a pin finally. And so is with the money.

At the end of the episode I was just thinking, why did I ever open an account here which had given me torture for almost 72 hours.

If the branch cannot help you when you need them the most, what is the use of having them.

Currently Reading

August 16, 2009

Muscat Random Pics

I had been on a month long vacation to Muscat with my brother and his family recently. Flying for the first time had made me go delirious.By the end of the journey, I realized that I had really enjoyed the flight journey throughout. I was excited about the fact that I would be in Muscat when I would get out of the plane. Since it was dark when we had landed I couldn’t see the view out clearly. Once out of the flight, I could feel the warmth of heat on my skin, I was imagining how could the heat be in the peak summer months.

A real good experience I had visiting places and trying out with varieties of food. A glimpse into my visit:

April 20, 2009

How to cook Dosa?

Dosa is one of the most commonest of breakfasts found everywhere, atleast in South India.Thought process made the author of this post to paste the recipe for making Dosa.Have a look:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Enjoy your dosa...

April 19, 2009


Aren't these Marvelous?

January 11, 2009

Wanna see the Full Moon of 11th night?


Blogging had been a part of my life a few months back and least expected i have been made to stay away from it due to unavoidable circumstance.I must tell you,this has been the most irritating moment or period one could call.

Having made quiet a few friends through blogs, restrictions from blogging had made me quiet vulnerable.I hope the barrier is broken and posts would flow on an intermittent basis although not regularly.

Back from Hibernation!!

A very Happy New Year to you! This note has come a little slow though.Hope you are having a great year:)
Posts here would be intermittent henceforth!